The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Monday, December 10, 2007

Malaysia Boleh

What a welcome back to my home country. The 1st night was agonizingly fannoyingly itchy for me resulting in a multitude of excoriations. Now, I think I've had more excoriations here in the last 2+ weeks than I've had over the 11 months in Adelaide.

Roads have changed somewhat resulting in me nearly getting lost. Road conditions on the other hand are just as bad as they have always been.
Road users have developed even worse attitudes. I was driving home from a friend's house one night and lo and behold - an idiot riding his motorcycle in the wrong direction! That *bleep* was lucky he was at the side of the road. Next I meet the person-whose-grandfather-obviously-owns-the-road @$hole(s) on another bike. The rider and his pillion rider were obviously close (can this be grounds for a khalwat charge?) and were travelling at less than 40kmh...
in the middle of the damn road. Lei ah yeah!
Irresponsible, selfish bastards who triple park on busy roads just because it's convenient for them. Irresponsible selfish bastard who was too lazy to reverse another 2 metres to park in a lot blocking my car from leaving.

When I was in Adelaide we had the previous HARDTALK session with our foreign minister which was one of my previous entries. That was followed by the BERSIH (The Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections) march which garnered a lot of attention due to the many controversies and spins the government seemed to have put on it. Visit this site for their homepage. There are even videos on Youtube, I remember the police firing their water cannons at the 'illegal' gatherers and the reporter saying "this is democracy...Malaysian style".
The al-Jazeera clip included a faceless interview between one of their reporters who was caught in the conflict and one of our ministers who basically embarassed himself and his nation with his horrible command of English and practically screaming 'answers' and pointing fingers in the interview. I think this is the clip (might be wrong since I can't hear anything without speakers).

Shortly after the whole Hindraf incident occured...and is still happening. To those who have no idea what that is, basically a group of local indians formed a group to petition Queen Elizabeth II claiming that the Indian community were never cared for properly when they were brought over so many years ago. Reported in The Star:

It was reported that the sum sought was US$4tril (RM13.5tril) or US$1mil (RM3.4mil) for every Indian residing in Malaysia.

Well, they then took to the streets, became violent at the police and spread the word to other nations and caused some international dispute. They are now also accused of being extremist, attempting to incite racial issues(and some believe, trying to start another May 13 incident) and liasing with terrorists including the Tamil Tigers.

To top off the cake, news reports that our ministers have 'arguments' in the parliament and many are known for being complete blockheads. Think degrading women and constantly surprising the public at how idiotic they can be.

Lastly (for now anyway):
The incredible story of the lackadaisical attitude of the people at the National Registration Department - here.

Just a thought that hit me: Why read tabloids when Malaysian newspapers are all you need?

Monday, December 03, 2007

The Arbitrary List of Things to Eat

[to be updated as and when I feel like it]
  • Klang Bak Kut Teh - Achieved; potential for seconds
  • Assam Laksa - Achieved
  • Curry Laksa - Achieved
  • Onion Soup - Achieved
  • Hokkien Mee - Achieved
  • Cantonese Yinyong - Achieved
  • Yong Tau Foo - Achieved
  • Chicken Rice - Achieved
  • Fish head Meehoon - Pending
  • Tau Fu Fa - Pending
  • Nasi Lemak - Achieved
  • Japanese Food - Pending
  • Roti Bakar - Achieved; potential for more
  • Garlic Cheese Naan - Achieved; potential for more