The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Final Fantasy is a RPG...

I am Bahamut
You are Bahamut! You are King of the Dragons, and
rightfully so, for few can stand up to your
Mega Flare. Everything about you simply
screams "bad ass."

What Final Fantasy summon are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

OK so i haven't been blogging for quite some time now but I blame it all on the exams which just finished today. So...without further ado...

Now Playing : The Bard's Tale (PS2)
Last Movie Watched : New Police Story (Jackie Chan, Nicholas Tse etcetc.)
Last Book Read : A Darkness At Sethanon (3rd and final chapter in the Riftwar Saga) - Raymond E. Feist
Now Listening : Ore wa Tokoton Tomaranai!! (Opening theme of Budokai 3)
Completely useless info : I have a cow-bone comb

Anyway, the other day we were talking about FF and tried to come up with limit breaks for some of us uni people.

Umm....RPG fans and FF fans pls skip this paragraph. For the uninitiated, FF=Final Fantasy, a super selling series of games produced by Square Enix (formerly Squaresoft). Basically it's about saving the world with a party of 'endearing' characters who run into monsters, win, gain experience and increase in power. Simply put, when a character takes a certain amount of damage, s/he will be able to unleash a deadly/weird special move known as a 'Limit Break'. Usually it's enough to take out most lesser monsters. Some characters can also summon beings to aid them in the battle.

So anyway, I came home and thought up of more stuff....and here we go...(there's a bit of D&D mixed in though)...I added some new stuff like 'Ultimate Limit Breaks' which only work if the individuals' ultimate weapon is equipped :)

Female char, martial arts prowess. An outspoken, hyperactive young lady who blushes quite easily when teased. Enjoys teasing her friends though...favours a Fighter-type class.
Weapon of choice : Fists n Feet.
Ultimate Weapon :
Limit Break : Omega Whine - points at a certain enemy and goes "Nguhnguhnguhnguhnguhnguhnguh.....NGUH!!"
Each whine does damage and might result in enemy getting Confused.
Ultimate Limit Break : Omega Whine AMPLIFIED!! - refer above...only now it affects all enemies and enemies WILL be Confused, Pained and Deafened. Allies in line of fire affected.

Male char, favours swords. Sarcasm and lameness personified, knows how to irritate certain people/monsters. Enjoys eating....a LOT! Favours a Fighter/Mage class.
Weapon of choice : Gunblade (this sword roxx!)
Ultimate Weapon : VERY aromatic food
Limit Break : Tremor - at point of reaching Limit Break, character becomes VERY hungry. Stomach growls emits waves enough to cause a minor earthquake > Damages all enemies
Ultimate Limit Break : Richter 10!! - as above but a party member runs across screen purposely carrying the 'VERY aromatic food' aforementioned. Resultant growl causes massive earthquake and summons a lightning storm!! Can cause Petrify and Chain Lightning.

Female char, favours heavy paper-binding files. Peace-loving and fun-seeking. Favours a Healer-type class.
Weapon of choice : Tome of White Magic (attacks by bashing enemies with file)
Ultimate Weapon : +5 File of Holy Death
Limit Break : Super Heal - charges up and throws the file at an enemy, after damaging it falls open and mystical words appear and heal party.
Ultimate Limit Break : Angelic Demon/ Demonic Angel - same as above but when book opens, the mystical words summons a fusion of an angel-demon. 1st form does light damage to all enemies and fully heals/resurrects fallen allies. 2nd form does minor damage to all allies but reduces all enemies HP to 1 (does NOT work on bosses)

Male char, martial arts prowess. Under permanent bloodlust to the extent of occasionally attacking allies. Cannot hit females and will do nothing if hit by one. Favoured class = Berserker/Barbarian
Weapon of choice : Fists (occasionally Feet)
Ultimate Weapon : err....(Fist Upgrade?) Either magical powers of the famed Ehrgeiz Gauntlets.
Limit Break : Dance of Death - unleashes a flurry of attacks on the enemy with a chance to Stun and Pain.
Ultimate Limit Break : Berserker Limits - same as above but bloodlust still fills his head. Runs to nearest male ally and grabs him. Holds the ally above his head as he starts to charge all his energy into the unfortunate ally. He then throws the ally to the aforementioned enemy head first, and as contact occurs, all the stored energy is released in a massive explosion damaging all nearby enemies (and the unfortunate ally too of course...really now, how would you like to hit an enemy with your head?)

Male char, asks enemies questions thus forcing them attack him. Knows all the latest songs and worldly updates. May 'buff' (improve stats) of allies by singing/dancing. Most likely 'victim' of character mentioned above. Favoured class-Bard/Songster.
Weapon of choice : Portable Microphone
Ultimate Weapon : Latest-model cameraphone
Limit Break : Selfless - Taunts enemies into hitting him so all other 'in-battle' allies get a free instant attack on enemy without wasting their turn.
Ultimate Limit Break : Blackmail - Takes a horrible (demeaning) photo of enemy with his cameraphone and blackmails the enemy who then pays the party a certain amount of cash (depending on character level - higher level = horrible-er photos :) and then enemy runs from the battle ashamed.

Female char, reserved type who talks very little. Has expansive knowledge with plenty of reference material. A Sorceror or Mage class.
Weapon of choice : Armful of books (casts spells on enemies...can also be thrown and summoned back)
Ultimate Weapon : Pathologic Basis of Disease, medical reference book.
Limit Break : Spell Chain/Spell Fusion - in the 1st version, she channels the energy from multiple books to strike the enemy(s) with spells, one after another for a certain time limit (depending on character level and available books). In the 2nd version, she channels the energy and fuses them into a new, formless spell which she unleashes upon the enemy(s) for an entirely random effect.
Ultimate Limit Break : Random Curse - opens the book to a random page and releases an energy blast from her outstretched hand (think Dragonball). The blast hits the enemy for moderate damage and hexes the enemy with all the diseases on that particular opened page.


Ken said...

So I brought this over here since it's one of my favourite posts :)
Always nice to remind myself of the good ol' days.

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