The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Sunday, February 18, 2007

101 Things You've Always Wanted To Know About Me

....thanks to a certain someone I now had to find time to undertake this arduous task of coming up with 6 weird facts about yours truly. It really isn't easy, I mean who normally thinks of weird stuff about themselves? Oh well, since I'm feeling too lazy to do anything anyway...
Warning Note : Facts below may be kinda gross. I dunno since everybody's grossness levels are different. So read at your own risk.

"Each player of this game starts off by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog." ~So sayeth the instructions~
  1. I do have eczema which can be pretty annoying. To me however, it is also an aesthetic /wadrobe problem, hence you will never see me in sleeveless and rarely in shorts. Reason being when it's bad it can look really disconcerting (even to me) and the more I cover up, the less I flake around...especially here where it's so dry. The only places where it has never occurred (thankfully) are the palms and soles.
  2. That being said, it is to be expected that boils are a fairly common occurence with me and I find them even more annoying than the eczema. I almost always squeeze them till they burst. Yes, it's painful but I get this feeling of satisfaction from it.
  3. That being said, I kinda enjoy some types of pain. Eg when my skin condition gets aggravated and is continuously itchy, I tend to put something really hot on it to 'burn' away the itch. Something really hot would include a really hot shower, a cup of boiling water or some such. I also enjoy taiji (too lazy to elaborate but those of you who know me well will know what I'm talking about).
  4. There's this patch of hair on the superoposterior part of the right half of my head that has a tendency to stick up (anti-gravity) no matter how much I comb it down. It only stays down with lots of hair gel and I don't normally use that. I noticed that occurred after one of the 1st few times my mom cut my hair though...
  5. I eat a lot. No that isn't an understatement. Yet it definitely doesn't look like I eat much since someone I know once told me, in reply to my telling her my weight, "where does it all go?". The people I'm here with still can't believe I eat so much...
    I have a couple of theories though. One, I have a high metabolic rate so I burn food easily. This actually has proof, as whenever I get hungry I tend to start feeling cold in a cold environment. This problem vanishes after I eat though...or at least until I get hungry again. Two, I need continuous energy to rebuild my superly damaged skin....damn I need Wolverine's healing factor....
  6. That being said, I'm also allergic to tonnes of things (can you believe highlighters are included?) Got the nickname 'The Allergy Guy'. Nowhere in this world will I be free of allergens unless maybe in a hospital sterile room....or a protective bubble....or in ice
  7. Ezlin spread the word around college that I look like Harry Potter, hence my college friends still sometimes call me Harry.
  8. This may be somewhat surprising but I am kind of a reserved person. I have difficulty in making small talk as well.
  9. I never had acne in my life.
  10. I have always been single and available (self-promo :P)
  11. I don't really know how to show people that I love them :(
  12. I am el-cheapo. Really. It's hard to find someone else whose level of kiamsapness can compare with mine. Ask my college friends if you don't believe me, although I'd like to think that I'm mellowing down recently :)
Hmm...guess I got carried away. I'd put down more but currently my mind is empty. Oh well, anyway I'm supposed to tag 6 other people for this but I think I'll spare myself...oh wait...I got at least 2 ie Chuks (still staying trim dude?) and William. Iona too whenever she gets the chance since I believe I'm heck of a lot free-er than she is at this moment in time. I'd love to read what weird things Chow-Chow gets up to but he doesn't seem to be very blogger-ing recently.
Oh well, whoever wants to do it and knows me just drop me a line to let me know then :P


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