The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Missing you

It's not easy going around town when you see so many people walking their dogs or taking them for rides in their cars.
I've seen so many different breeds already, Huskies, Papillons, Bulldogs, Pomeranians and more.


They look so happy, tails wagging all the way...

I miss my sisters. I miss how we would cuddle together on the nice cool floor, on the couch. I miss staring into Mimi's soulful eyes. I miss how we would understand one another with a glance and a gesture. I miss running around the garden with them. I miss the nudges by Mimi.
Most of all I miss stroking their lovely fur...

Take good care of them for me Mom and Dad. I miss you too.


junhoe said...

Heya, good to hear you're doing alright there. No, I didn't know u started a new blogspot account. As tempted as I am to also move, since blog-city is pretty annoying and buggy and slow and... Well, it's my first blog, so kinda got sentimental value to it.

Anyway, it looks fun to see you explore and find out about Adelaide. Pretty cool stuff. And oh, new hair..? Nice.., looking sharp. ; ) Cheers & take care.

Unknown said...

yea... miss ur doggies toooo...

Shiawase said...

... miss you. no ps2 kaki. no one left to kacau.

Sniff. It will be a lonely cny.

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