The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


It's cold. It's dark. It's gloomy.
That pretty much sums up the current weather we're having here. Actually it kinda sucks since I'm so used to sunlight, so much so that my circadian rhythm is heavily dependent on it. Hence I'm getting sleepy at hours which are far too early for my liking. Only last Sunday, I spent more than 10 hours in bed...which is so wrong as I normally spend less than 7. I suppose the upside of that is the wonderful warm and cozy feeling when it's cold outside and you're snug under your quilt with a small 'boiler' in your room.
My uncle casually mentioned that if I think this is bad, wait till June 21st when the shortest day in this part of the world will occur. Whoopee. I can't wait.
Sigh, the gloominess isn't helping in academic areas either...

I've made a new friend too. His name is coffee. I get a little help from him each morning now. It's either that or I walk around the hospital zombified for the entire morning.

I suppose that some good has come from this. My body has been slowly adjusting to the weather here - I don't flake nearly as much as I used to and my skin looks closer to normal than ever, probably from the lack of allergens here and the cool weather. Either that or I'm taking extra care of my skin.
Also getting used to the cold in general. When we had a warm spell a couple of weekends ago, somewhere around 29-30 degrees, I was positively uncomfortable. Now I wonder how badly I'll be affected when I go home to the heat, humidity and pollution.

Edit: For some reason unknown to me, my skin has been flaring up again. It doesn't make sense since I'm away from known allergens and it's been raining for the past week or so, so it can't be the dryness...unless I'm also allergic to humidity, in which case I'm just so doomed :(


Casey said...

yeah, i know, the lack of sunlight really really sucks. lying warm under the covers is one of the best ways to spend a winter morning.

and i see that you have succumbed to COFFEE. i've been able to avoid drinking coffee for breakfast; i don't usually get zombie-fied unless the entire morning, i.e 0001 to 0759, was spent staring at my laptop screen hoping that my case reports which were due would write themselves. and then i found a cheaper (here in scotland at least) and healthier alternative to coffee (ok, not sure about the healthier part), TEA, with earl grey and darjeeling being my favourites here. no sugar no milk!

really really craving for some good chinese tea. preferably jasmine scented. sigh.

Steve said...

Vy no update? Update!

Shiawase said...

Have you ever felt that you wanted to cut down on coffee?
Ever felt annoyed when people tell you to cut down?
Ever felt guilty that you were drinking so much coffee?
Ever felt you needed an eye-opener in the mornings?


Innanis Aeterna said...

when you come back, you will most definitely melt and die. gg.

Yuen said...

I'm sleeping more than usual too.... =\ And yeah, I've succumbed to coffee again, despite my initial success of "weaning off" the beverage. ><"

I read somewhere that they're gonna invent some soap which contains caffeine! Dunno whether it will work or not, but the caffeine will (apparently) be absorbed as you lather it onto your wet skin....and before you know it, voila! Caffeine jolt, without the need to drink coffee! o_O

Ken said...

Chuks: tried tea black, in fact it was what I drank nearly everyday here for the past 3 months. Interestingly it has never worked as a stimulant when I need it to.

Steve: sorry la :P will try to soon

Iona: let's see. The answers would be No, No, No and No in that order. Heh, if someone told me to cut down, that means I can't drink coffee anymore.

VoID: thanks for that vote of confidence -_-"

Yuen: Interesting, but I'd much rather drink coffee than bathe in caffeine. Where's the fun in that?

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