The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Thursday, May 03, 2007


They say dreams are our subconscious interpreting events or working out unsettled stuff in our minds as we sleep. They could also be some kind of sign, or in some cases a premonition of sorts.
I wonder what my dreams could mean...

Original post 3rd May 2007
I've had this weird dream recently where I met this guy who seemed oddly familiar.
I'm pretty sure I don't know him and haven't seen him before.
The setting was in some university, I believe it was IMU.
Don't remember conversations but he was easy to talk to.
Found out that he stays very near my home, just the next street in fact.

And for some unknown reason, it feels disturbing.

2nd post 5th May 2007
A few nights later, there's another one with a morbid tone:
A group of us were having this party in a grand apartment somewhere. Somehow I know it's located on the 10th floor of a building. The wall which faces the outside of the building is not a wall. In fact there's nothing there - just a big gaping hole. The surprising thing is that nobody else seems to take notice of it, if at all.
The party goes on, everyone has fun but me cuz I keep looking at the hole wondering why nobody else is bothered about it. I have a bad feeling...
Someone backs up against the 'wall', sorta like he's shy of having his picture taken or realising he's gonna be the victim of a prank...then he steps into thin air...
Time seemed to slow down, I could see the look of utmost surprise on his face.
We all rushed to the hole and saw him falling slowly.
Someone laughed. Can't remember exactly who. Seemed that person thought it was some kind of joke before realizing what happened. Then everyone rushed down. Everyone but me.
I just sank to the floor in stunned silence.


Alexis said... stalker stalking you in your dreams. :P

Casey said...

deja vu? gay stalker deja vu? most disturbing...

Shiawase said...

jamais vu?

Ken said...

No, I'm sure I dunno the's not a momentary thing.
Yay, I have a stalker :P
...with a psychic connection mou :D

Shiawase said...

sounds like silent hill ... the room.

Yuen said...

very disturbing indeed ken.... =\

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