The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


So Leng Hui has gone home for 2 weeks. And I've been under the weather lately. Not sure if it's just the cold weather or because I really am coming down with something but I've been tired out and sleeping like a bear lately...not to mention an upset stomach too.

You really don't appreciate what you have until you lose it. An all too well-known phrase yet taken for granted. Yes, I colonize the hall cuz my room is...well let's say it isn't all to comfortable for studying. So the living room becomes the place where I do most things. And Leng Hui stays in her room most of the time, studying, cooking porridge on the phone and whatnots.

I suppose I take some comfort in the fact that there is someone else in the house with me, who I can talk to and well, basically interact with even though the main time we see each other is during dinner and breakfast...and sometimes lunch at the hospital (which is not really surprising since we come home at around 5+ normally).
To cut a long(er) story short, I am feeling the loss of her presence here. Somehow the place feels the same yet different....and no, in case any of you are wondering I don't have that kind of feelings towards her.

I suppose this comes about from growing up in a family with a sibling. Although everyone has different schedules, we all come home eventually, even if it's late at night. It's no secret that I don't exactly have a good relationship with my brother but...I guess the best way to put it is that I draw some comfort from having someone else around me in the house, even if it is my brother.

I must say that this is the 1st time I'm really feeling that I'm overseas - alone and fending for myself...I wanna go home - to my family, my pets, my friends...the food :)
and the piano.
It's not all that bad I guess, there's still some people I know here. Not all of them have gone home.

~That which does not kill you makes you stronger~


Steve said...

Haha, its like when I was in Vista. When Rafiqu and Kok Chuan the rat were not around, the flat gets flat...

Ken said...

Maybe, but then again that was still in Malaysia, not too bad.
Here, really, there's NOTHING to do :(

Yuen said...

Poor ken. =(

How long's your winter break? Made any plans yet?

Innanis Aeterna said...

draw me an Infernal Minds to keep yourself occupied.

Unknown said...

whip out a map of adelaide, draw sections on it and go there every 2 days apart.. jz for the heck of it. or learn how to cook :D

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