The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Saturday, June 16, 2007


It's bloody 0340 and I'm still awake. The reason being an insanely itchy scalp which annoyingly decided to pay me a visit just when I wanted to sleep. Tossed and turned...and scratched for what seemed ages before finally giving up.

So I went outside and took an antihistamine in hopes that it would help. Then I sat myself in front of my com and searched the net for possible causes and treatments for it.

Well, I actually already pretty much knew the causes already but just to double check. Seems like I could have developed a case of psoriasis of the scalp, or it could be ringworm, or a different presentation of eczema (which is supposedly pronounced 'eks-mah' over here). Worst case scenario would be head lice - which I'm definitely sure I don't have.
The most likely cause would be winter itch, with winter being all cold and dry after all. But it's been dry all the while I've been here so why only recently?


So I read up on some possible treatments which included topical steroids for the scalp (eczema treatment) and I wondered how was I supposed to get it on my scalp with all the hair around. Tea Tree Oil apparently helps with the itch as well. Then there was one which said to "massage warm olive oil into your scalp, leave for 10 mins, then wash as normal". That raised an eyebrow.

So anyway, I decided to just wash my head, hoping that that would somehow help somewhat. Then after washing I decided to try an experiment - I used my 'Dry, Scaly and Itchy skin cream' on the dry, (?scaly?) and itchy parts of my scalp. Whether or not it actually got to my scalp remains unknown though. The irony of it? Immediately after applying the cream I had to scratch my head again.

Now it's better. The itch isn't really gone, more like really dulled so it's loads more bearable. I can say I was so close to doing the olive oil thingy and just apologising to Leng Hui when she gets back (since the olive oil is hers). Man I'm so gonna go get me a bottle of anti-itch shampoo later today...assuming I'm awake at all later today.

*grumble grumble*


Alexis said...

*GASP!* That olive oil is for cooking! I think the olive oil you need is those like baby oil from Johnsons and johnson's or something..

Just reading your post makes me scratch my head la. So kesian... Erm.. let's just hope it's not ringworms or lice or anything contagious... -_-"

Yuen said...

Oh dear....

Yea, heard somewhere that tea tree oil could help - oil reduces the dryness that could have triggered the itch, and it's somewhat "cooling" when applied to skin... like menthol. So that could (hopefully) alleviate the inflammation that comes with scratching?

Take care friend. =\

junhoe said...

Hehe, it's cool that even as we go further into designing new drugs, we still look up old traditional herbs/cures. IIRC, tea tree oil supposedly has moisturising and anti-bacterial properties. As for olive oil, yeah I think you should be a wee bit careful with what type to use. IIRC olive oil supposedly has moistursing properties and rich in nutrients to er, help repair damaged hair?

For me - I'd recommend a conditioner daily with a fusion of tea tree oil/olive oil/papaya milk etc.

Casey said...

errr... i think you are meant to use REAL olive oil. the cooking stuff works fine!

Ken said...

Haha, thanks guys, but I didn't use it...wasn't THAT desperate :)

Got some feedback from my parents about this too. Suffice to say I now have lots of potential remedies should I ever need it.
As of now, I'm trying out a new shampoo which claims to be for 'Dry Scalp Care'.

Let's see how things go.

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