The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

As one door closes, another opens

I know I haven't been updating for ages now. There have been some incidences that do merit blogging about but I just never got around to doing it - sigh, procrastination rears its ugly head. Anyways, today marks the last day we (Leng Hui and I) are staying in our current place. The landlord is returning tomorrow and we gotta scram.

Fortunately we have found a new place. Unfortunately it's unfurnished. Fortunately we got the necessities already. Unfortunately a lot of them require assembly. Fortunately we were able to take some time off from the hospital. Unfortunately we won't have power for another day or two.

Fortunately my baggage is still around 2 luggage bags give or take a few plastic bags for notes and etcetera.
Unfortunately my housemates' is around a tonne - mm...a few luggage bags, 3 IKEA bags, a DHL box and more...should take some pics of them.
Fortunately I don't have to move them by myself.
Unfortunately I still have to help move them....why do women have to have so many things?

..anyone who can answer the question above should write a book explaining it to the practical male mind.
...assuming the answer, in itself, has some practical sense in it that is.

Anyhoo, we probably won't have internet (or a phone line for that matter) for some days after we move in so no updates for a bit after this.
I promise I'll put up some things in the near future.


Steve said...

Is the place cheap? It better be cause its unfurnished

Chow Chow said...

Here I give you a chance to update your blog now...

_.:|| Happy Birthday ||:._

Quickly share what you have done in your birthday =)

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