The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Saturday, September 01, 2007

After a long hiatus...

Today marks a momentous moment in history - I had my 1st weekend take session...hopefully it won't happen too much. I can't imagine waking up before dawn on weekends. See, I woke up at 0630. Then I woke up again at 0650 and once more at 0710. It was so cold that I decided that it's better to hide under my quilt for a longer period. That and the fact that I haven't woken up so early on a Sunday for ages now.

Anyway I went for rounds then helped my registrar with a theatre session. Man the orthopaedic surgeons have all the fun tools: bone saws, hammers, chisels, mega-huge screws and metallic joints.
The atmosphere was very relaxed in the theatre too, probably cuz it's a Sunday so everyone was chatting happily. Then as the reg was closing up, I heard him say

Reg: *was sewing up the subcutaneous layer* After this we're done.
Me: Huh? Aren't you gonna sew up the skin as well?
Reg: *gave me a weird look* ...I said I'm
almost done.
Scrub Nurse: *Lol* You are
so blonde!

Well, gee thanks. Actually that's the first time I've ever been called 'blonde'. Interesting.
Well we were done soon after that and I went to look for the intern on call and he had some bloods for me to take so I went to take them. One of them was, hands-down, the most cheerful patient ever. Either that or she's slightly demented. She was laughing all the time in our morning rounds and was very cheerful when I asked if I could poke her with a needle. I was pleasantly surprised as she had some very good veins for an old lady.
Having poked all the people I needed to I asked the intern if there was anything else to be done and there wasn't. Which was a good thing as med soccer was going to start at around 1230. Now I obviously don't play soccer mostly because I completely suck at it but I thought I'd go and give 'moral' support to those playing.

Well, quite a few of the rest of the batch turned up as well, not so much to give support but to mingle and
berkecoh with each other since it's really hard to meet together when everyone's on different rotations. Well, our team didn't make it but it was a game pretty well played. I guess. Not that I know much about soccer to start with.
After that the team decided to kick the ball around and tried to persuade the rest of us to join. I refused since I was in formal. Steph had shoes but says she sucks at ball games. Jebbrine and Yvonne said no as they had no shoes. Hanz said he can't handle such a small thing to which I replied with a "Hah?" He then proceeded to show what he could handle and I ended up on the grass, in my formal, after he hip throw-ed me.

No I wasn't hurt...well except for a slightly sore left butt cheek but the grass would have cushioned most of the fall.

Sigh. I
so need to start exercising. I'm getting round.