The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Unfruity Fruits

The fruits here are really weird (that's a kinder way of saying they s**k). Normally I'd get apples or oranges from the market since you can't really go wrong with them. Sure, there are loads of other types of fruits but I figure that the apples and oranges are usually more worth the price.

For instance small, piddly pineapples are sold for quite a high price. And let's not begin on the wonderfully fantastic size of the dragon fruits available here. Bananas here are huge, but IMHO, they're usually exorbitantly priced. Yes, I compare the prices with the general prices back home and I know it doesn't really work that way but whatever.

Anyway, last Saturday when we were grocery shopping at the market, I saw some decently-sized pineapples on sale for just $2 each. I thought to myself that I hadn't had a proper pineapple since coming over way back in January and how nice it would be to eat a pineapple again. Plus the price was quite good too, so I bought it feeling all happy with myself for a good buy.
A couple of days later I cut up the pineapple and had a taste. Wow, I never expected the result in the least. If it was really sweet, I'd love it. If it was really sour...I'd love it too (and Leng Hui would have something to complain about). But this one was bordering on bland. Not just bland but the tasteless-kind-of-bland. Leng Hui was saying that it probably wasn't ripe yet so I retried them a few hours ago and it was just as tasteless.
It may have been just bad luck, but when she cut up her honeydew, she also said it was lousy. Wonder how the locals feel eating such tasteless fruits.

Come to think of it, although the apples and oranges are pretty big, they never did taste as good as those back home.

In their defense, when the grapes were in season in the summer they were really good though.


Yuen said...

hmmm, the strawberries here are really good at the moment, provided you like eating them in the first place! hehehe. Oh, and the mangoes here are simply DIVINE...but you have to wait till Nov or so, when they're in season. XD

Alexis said...

Yeah the pineapple was crap. So was my honeydew. Hardly sweet and rather flaky in texture...-_-" Don't get me started bout those wilting bulbs they're passing off as dragon fruit...

But I have to agree with yuen la. The strawberries are just heavenly! Hehehe.. can't wait for cherries and mangoes and plums to be in season.... *drools*

Shiawase said...


junhoe said...

Pineapples? Didn't know you like them. I thought I was the only one. Almost everyone I've known or asked think they cause this unlikeable sticky feeling in your tongue later. One even said pineapples taste ok...once you cooked them! Uh...maybe diff climate diff fruit growth/compositiion. Unless Australia imports all of them?

Ken said...

Well, I love the taste of our wonderful Sarawak pineapples and I guess I had too high expectations for the pineapples here. But I do love them regardless of the 'making your tongue feel weird' feeling.

In fact, there was once that I ate so much pineapple it felt like the top part of my tongue had been acidified off...after which I proceeded to eat two packets of Maggi Assam Laksa :P

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