The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Friday, September 14, 2007

Misfortune Misadventures

I woke up early Monday morning, intending to cook lunch and go for ward rounds. The first thing I noticed was that it was kinda warm but the sky was seriously cloudy. Finished cooking and got ready but since it was drizzling by then, I opened my brolly and started the trek to the hospital.
Things were fine until I was about halfway through the journey when the sky opened and the wind picked up. It wasn't long before I was drenched from the waist down (fortunately my jacket is waterproof) so there I was, halfway to the hospital, standing like a dungu in the pouring rain deciding between just going to the hospital or going back to change.

After a minute or two of pondering I decided to go back. Partly cuz I didn't want to squelch around the hospital in dripping pants and partly cuz wet clothes don't go well with my skin. So I turned around and squelched home and changed into something dryer. Then I was faced with the choice of going for a ward round which would have probably ended by the time I arrived or going later for a tutorial and hopefully, by that time, the rain would have died down. I opted for the latter and the rain did, indeed, die down by then.
The day in hospital passed by as it normally does. When I left the hospital, the sky was once again overcast and drizzling slightly. Well, since I didn't have much of a choice I started the journey home. Halfway through, it was a repeat of the mornings' incident. I squelched home, drenched but less drenched than in the morning. At least I didn't have to go back to the hospital that day.

The next day, I awoke again to a cloudy sky. This time though, it wasn't raining when I left but it started to drizzle along the way. However my brolly was more than a match for a slight drizzle. I was hoping that yesterdays' incident would not repeat itself. Well, it didn't but something else happened - a small tree branch blew off in the wind and smacked me right in the face. I stopped, nearly cursing the powers-that-be for toying with me but I decided against it and just continued on fearing the wrath of a vengeful higher power who could visit more misfortunes upon me. Thankfully the rest of the journey was uneventful. However, when I arrived at the hospital, the consultant casually mentioned that there would be a 'surprise assessment' that day, which meant he threw question after question at us when we were presenting our cases. It wasn't too bad but I think none of us were expecting an assessment then.
That night I was wondering what more misfortunes could happen to me in the coming days.

The next day was bright and sunny with not a cloud in the sky. I happily walked to the hospital without incident. In fact, nothing untoward happened to me....until lunchtime when I went to get myself a cup of tea from the cafe. I stopped by the notice boards outside the cafe to leaf through the posters and flyers stuck there. As I was leafing through the posters, one fell off the pin holding it and I reflexively jerked a hand out to grab it, completely forgetting that in my other hand was a cup of tea and....*splash*

"Oh Shit!"

There I was standing with a cup of tea in one hand, tea stains on the left sleeve and pocket of my white coat, and the rest of the tea on the floor along with the flyer.

A passing nurse smiled sympathetically saying "I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that."
At least I had some tissue in my pockets so I proceeded to mop up the spilt tea and replace the flyer where it belonged. Thankfully the rest of the day was uneventful.

By this time I was convinced that something was out to get me for whatever reason. I was also pondering what other things would happen to me in the coming days.
Thank the gods that worry was just that, a worry. So far nothing unfortunate has happened since and I hope it stays that way. Either that or I'll have another post like this in the future...


Anonymous said...

hope things are looking towards the bright side.. :)

Anonymous said...

n truly sorry to hear all the mishaps that's happened..

Steve said...

One man's misfortune is another's honey! Hahaha!

Okok, just joking!. I get those crap days too! I once spilled an entire packet of burning hot hokkien noodles on my pants in school! I feel sterile now

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