The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Painful fun

I'm currently aching all over, so much so that I feel really like an old man. All this came about from 2 reasons, specifically a romp on the beach and a slightly excessive training session.

The slightly excessive training session was something I did about 2 days ago. The weather was nice and warm so I decided that I should go train outdoors. Furthermore there is this nice, if slightly uneven, grassy area in between the house units which is more than enough to train in.
So I did the 37 and I was really enjoying the outdoors. It had been so long that I'd forgotten the feeling. After that I decided to try it out but the mirror version.
The next day I found out I had aches in weird places, such as the suprapatellar area, just inferior to the inguinal ligament and my glutes. Heck, going up and down the stairs at home caused pain.

Well, the day was just beginning as that was the day we were to throw a surprise birthday party for Jebbrine at, of all places, Glenelg beach (it seems to be one of her favourite places). Everyone arrived before the birthday girl and so while waiting, we were introduced to beach cricket (thanks Rahul and Kian).
My first impression of the cricket bat was that it would make a really good weapon. The second thought was if I could use it to train the sword form but decided it was too top heavy for it, but it would definitely make for good wrist strength training. The 3rd thought was how the heck I'm gonna hit a ball with it.
It's official, I suck at cricket. I think I must have missed about 80% of the balls thrown at me, but for those that I actually managed to hit I think I hit them pretty well.

Anyways, after Jebbrine arrived with the organisers (read the female Villagers) we started the feast. It was a potluck thing so everyone brought something. We brought garlic bread and papadams, Christine brought tomyam fried rice, Daphne made a really nice lemon yogurt cake, Quinnie made some really delicious samosas, Bryan brought cold-cut meat and crackers and dip. There was also an apple pie, marshmallows, pizza and, you'll never guess the highlight dish - fruit chocolate fondue!

After stuffing our stomachs, we proceeded to continue with the cricket and then initiated a game of touch footy. Two first attempts by yours truly for two games he never played before and it was actually really quite enjoyable...except that running around on a beach was somewhat annoying because of all the shells. We attracted a lot of onlookers and it probably looked odd to them that a bunch of Asians were playing their local sports. Someone mentioned it would be similar to a bunch of Asians looking at a bunch of angmohs playing sepak takraw.

Today I could almost not wake up, tired out from spending almost an entire day at the beach the previous day. The most annoying part was that I could feel individual parts of my body aching, collectively it just felt like my whole body was aching. Sore shoulders, sore lower back, sore aforementioned parts of the legs, sore palms from swinging the cricket bat around and sore soles from all the running of shell-y sands.

I guess it just goes to show how deconditioned I've become and how long it's been since I've played some serious sports.
And yes, it makes me feel physically old.
But I'm still young at heart :)


junhoe said...

Ooh, painful huh. Some muscle ache rub should come in handy. I think I've been extremely too deconditioned too for any exhaustive physical activity.

And btw, yeah you guessed correctly who I bumped into at lunch yesterday. And expectedly, he was still as good-looking.

Alexis said...

Uncle, please take care of your health ya. Don't strain yourself too much. :P

Steve said...

Touch footy? Yeah!

Ken said...

I know, but I didn't bring over my deep heating rub or my redwood oil. I'm mostly fine now though.

And I'm not THAT much older than you la LH.

I think it would be fun to play such sports again :)

Shiawase said...

old gentlemen aren't meant to be running around hot beaches ><

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