The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I am ninja!

Me : ...hey...
LH : *screams blue murder*
Me : ..... -_-"

Above is a scene which has repeated itself countlessly in our place. The only difference is what I want to say in each situation, our clothes and the location. It seems that I tend to surprise her with my 'stealthiness'.

In all honesty I tend to dismiss that and claim she just doesn't pay enough attention to her surroundings. But then today happened.

Today I found the surgeons changing room locked, which is unusual as I never remember it being locked before. So I went into the Admin's room, who was doing some work on the com, to ask if she knew the code.

Me : *walks in* Excuse me...
Admin : *startled with dramatic gasp, hand clasping chest looking as if she's just seen a ghost*
Me : O_O ... *apologetic smile* I'm sorry...I tend to do that to my housemate too...
Admin : *laughs with relief* It's alright.

So either I start wearing a cowbell to announce my presence or I have a natural talent to be a ninja!

No I do NOT want a cowbell for my birthday!


Unknown said...

how about a foghorn that blares out every 5 steps u take? ok make that 10.

Casey said...

Just don't shower as often. Alternatively, buy a really foul smelling perfume.

Shiawase said...

oh that last one's just disgusting...

Ken said...

Hmm...foghorn? I wouldn't mind deluding myself for a bit that I'm a ship in a fog...but for that I'd also need a portable fog machine la.

More realistic mar :D

Chuks, you DO realise I still need to interact with people right? If I did that...well I'd probably end up in a garbage dump...

And no I still do not want a cowbell.

junhoe said...

Ninja? I certainly can't recall anytime you surprised me like that. Then again, I rarely react so violently when being caught off-guard. And I think I've also caught some people off-guard a few times too.

Not sure if that's really a good thing since we don't live in feudal Japan with warring factions.

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