The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Saturday, February 23, 2008

I hate the Clipsal!!! Well I have nothing against them personally but it's the event they sponsor, the Adelaide Clipsal 500 V8 Supercar Race!

Dahlah to arrange the race they've cordoned off a section of roads on the east side of the city for the last week. Coincidentally one of the roads cordoned off happens to be the road leading from my area to the city, ie the bus doesn't run there for the week the Clipsal is on, ie I have to walk to the city to take a bus when originally I could just take one from outside my house.

Now the pretty big area cordoned off happens to be less than 500 metres from my place so I can actually here the engine revs and concerts from here. And for such a 'big event' they obviously need media coverage, which comes in the form of 2 choppers circling the area. The event starts in the morning and lasts till late at night.
And they seem to have daily airshows by some Hornets.

No, not these hornets.

These hornets!

The airshow they put on is fairly low altitude, I'm guessing it's so the spectators can clearly see the stunts. This is, of course, not very pleasant to the ears.

I was walking back from groceries yesterday when one flew overhead. In that painful instant I was acutely aware of some loss of hearing ability in my right ear. Fortunately it seems that it's just a temporary thing.

Today being the only day I've been in the house the whole day, I have finally discovered how wonderfully annoying the clipsal can be. The revs start in the morning, varying in intensities throughout the day. This is followed soon by a really annoying cycle of choppers circling overhead. Sometime in midday the Hornets appear, screaming their jet engines off. Thankfully the Hornet show is just about 5-10 minutes. The rest of it lasts the whole damn friggin day!

I can barely concentrate, let alone study.

Worse, I can't sleep from all that damn noise!

....I can feel my sanity falling apart...


Unknown said...

its been a month now, still have your sanity intact?

and make up your mind, cant sleep from the noise or cant sleep from heat is 'better'? :P

Ken said...

The noise was temporary, the heat is semi-permanent but neither is 'better'. They're both fannoying as hell.

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