The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

A wise person (or at least wiser than me) once told me "It takes two hands to clap."

Recently a thought has been bothering me...

If one hand wants to clap but the other doesn't seem to want to, should the first hand stop trying? Or should it keep trying in hopes that eventually the other will respond?


Steve said...

Is that in a love or hypothetical sense?

Ken said...


Although it's not the kind of love that you're thinking about though. There are, after all, many different kinds of love :)
But yeah, I'd love to hear what you think.

Ching Mun said...

I would say let the first hand try to initiate if the other will respond first. How would one knows if it works without trying?

If initiation fails, then it should stop trying. One sided trying is tiring in a long run :)

Steve said...

Yeah, I think that in a love sense(romantic), you have to try to clap first, but if the other hand doesn't want to, then there is no point in trying to clap. brain is just too underpowered to come up with something philosophical...

Ken said...

Thanks for the input guys. Appreciate it :)
I'll think more on it.

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