The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Moss grows on blogs?

It's been a long while since I last visited this place. No surprises since Adel is so interesting. I have also been asked to de-moss-ify my blog as well so I'll put up another bit of random stuff.

Anyway, my last rotation was in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Women's and Children's Hospital in North Adelaide. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I quite enjoyed the rotation seeing as how adult psych was fairly boring last year. It is unfortunate that there are quite a number of kids affected by a mental disorder with most of them suffering from what the staff call "Shitty Life Syndrome" ie abuse, neglect etc. There were also psychotic kids (the medical definition, not the layman one), those on drugs and one very memorable behavioural-related case.

Why did I find it interesting? I'm not too sure really. It could be because of the holistic approach towards treating the patients. It could be because of the skills applied during the entire course of said approach (never has BS been used more in all these years). It could be because if we managed to get on top of it, we would be ensuring the kid has a chance at having a decent future. Or it could be because I enjoyed the company of 3 great colleagues and a whole team of fun people. Hard to say really.

During the course of the rotation we met a Child Psychiatrist who asked us the question. That is the "So what do you want to be?" question. My honest answer then was "I dunno" because there's so much out there that I have yet to experience. His reply was "I'll be seeing you in a few years then." Apparently he has 'predicted' that some would join the ranks of Child Psych and quite a number of those predictions had come true. Interestingly now having completed the rotation, I wouldn't mind going into it in the future. A solid option to keep in mind perhaps?

Walking to and from the hospital had its benefits as well. The hospital being a good 30 minutes of brisk walking from my place has helped keep me from getting 'round' like I did last winter. One memorable night, after being on take, I was mesmerized by that very night sky.
It was a full moon and the stars were shining brightly. Cloudless except for a path of undulating clouds that seemed to go from one horizon to the opposite coming very close to the moon. It had a dreamlike effect to it - a silvery path to the moon. I wish I could have taken a picture of it...

On the TV front, NCIS is still drawing me like a moth to a flame. The season finale of House was shown as a movie length feature which was fantastically drama. Futurama has returned after 2 years of being off air! Got 2.5 seasons worth of 'Avatar - The Last Airbender (later it became The Legend of Aang)' and enjoyed all of it.

Oh, and I finally managed to bake some nice cookies. Got a recipe off the net and tried it last week except I think I added way too much baking soda (I mean, how the heck am I supposed to measure 5g?) and the cookies turned out more like pancakes. So I modified what I put in a little and remembered to add less baking soda and managed to turn out some olfactory-pleasing, gustatory-pleasing and cookie-like cookies! Yay me :)
Anyone for Raisin Oatmeal Choc Chip cookies?


Mark said...

Yay! You demossified it!

Well, personally for me, dealing with Psych patients can be interesting...unfortunately when you start seeing them too often, day after day, it kinda bogs you down.

Probably not good for anyone with latent depression. :-D

Jenna said...

yayi! Go team avatar! =D

child psychiatry sounds like real fun! Is it in the WCH? I'm at WCH!! Maybe even meet up for lunch~ :D

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i want i want i want...

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