The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Saturday, July 26, 2008

It's a sunny Sunday morning..well it was a sunny Sunday morning. It's overcast now and has pretty much been for the last few weeks. I miss the sun, the energy I derive from it, and most importantly the warmth it brings in the cold seasons.

Anyway, I'm currently doing a medical rotation at the Modbury Public Hospital which has been really quite good so far. The handover and ward rounds are inescapable but they're not too bad. The tutes are great though, and the best part is that we get lots and lots of food :)
The library on the 5th floor is where we spend most of our free time and it has a great view of the surroundings.

Rolling hills span across a great distance before tapering off into flatlands, which are the suburbs. The CBD is faintly visibile on a clear day too. The greenery is really refreshing and I've seen some great views from there so much so I wish I could have taken some pictures for memories.

On some cold days, the clouds hang so low that they seem to be emanating from the hills. At other times, sunlight and clouds create a play of moving shadows on the surface of the hills. Once the hilly side was clearly visible in bright sunshine whereas the suburbs and city were completely obscured by clouds and rain.

On a personal development note, I have long realised that many are the occasions when I subconsciously "wear a mask" (as Wee Jie said sometime back), and lately I'm getting annoyed by it. I have a couple of theories as to why 'I' do it but I want it to stop. The question is how...
I also need to start exercising again. The cold is just so...well...cold. Must get into shape. No, I do not consider round to be a shape.


Yuen said...

Tough isn't it, playing so many roles (or wearing masks, as you and Wee Jie mentioned) until you no longer remember the "real you" anymore.

Like you, I've masqueraded in masks for a long time, fleeting from one role to another - some of which I'm not proud of. I'd like to stop too, but I've been playing this game for so long that....I guess it's a part of me now. =\

StarGhazzer:太空人 said...

I guess we are all trained to wear masks to the extent that there's no real face beneath the mask anymore.

Want to slap that annoying patient? Cannot... must be caring.

Want to kick that arrogant consultant in the nuts? Cannot... must show respect.

Want to punch that bugger student who's showing off and talking crap? Cannot... must be tolerant.

Want to burn down the hospital which looks more like a jail than anything else? Cannot, must be resilient.


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