The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Wake Up

My energy levels seem to be going on a sine wave-like period. Just last week I was overcome by an unbearable desire to sleep. Anyone who knows me fairly well would probably know that I think sleeping, if it were not a requirement for life, is a waste of time. That, and the fact that my circadian rhythm wakes me up if my alarm doesn't, make me unable to have long lie-ins normally. I can't understand how some people, my cousins included, can sleep so much and frankly, sometimes I envy them. Anyway this came as a surprise to me, to say the least.

So on the first energyless day, I woke up and attempted to have breakfast as per usual. Now normally I'd managed to go through most of my morning bleary eyed and would properly wake up when I had to walk to the hospital. That morning my eyelids felt like they were tied to 10kg weights and a haze of tiredness clouded whatever thoughts I might have had. The only thing I could think of was sleep so I managed to stuff whatever remained of my breakfast down my throat and set my clock for another 15-20 mins of zzzs. Imagine my surprise when I woke up to find that it was already past 1230. So made myself some lunch and then felt sleepy again (which is normal for me). So I decided to have a power nap...which works more often than not for me...only that I woke up 1600++. At this point I was seriously considering that there was something wrong with me.

With all that sleep already having been slept off I thought I could actually study well that night. Well my body was obviously trying to prove me wrong as I was dozing off again at about 2230...and woke up 11 hours later. Most of the rest of the week I could function with my normal amounts of sleep but fatigue was my constant companion and he wasn't really fun to be with.

Friday came and I thought to myself, finally the weekend. I can have a lie in and begone with this fatigue business. That was the night I was cursing Murphy and his stupid law. I couldn't sleep!! I needed sleep - all the cells in my body knew it - but I just couldn't sleep! It was definitely one of the most annoying things in my life so far, even superseding that which annoys me most usually.

This wasn't the first time but it was definitely the worst. Had a less severe episode almost a month back and am pretty sure I've had at least one other episode sometime earlier in the year.
I'm guessing either respiratory or gastro bugs cuz I've had concurrent problems with both this time round. Whatever it is, I'm glad I'm finally over it...or at least I think I am. Who knows? Murphy has proven me wrong time and again...


- k e a t - said...

ebstein barr :P jk

Yuen said...

haih...wanted to suggest chronic fatigue syndrome/EBV infection, but keat beat me to it. lol.

On a more serious note, how long has this been going on? =\

Ken said...

Wahlau...takkanlah so teruk meh? And I thought I had medical student syndrome :)

I've seen patients with CFS and I'm sure I'm not suffering from it. It's probably more accurate to define it as acute episodic fatigue +/- mild diarrhoea and sneezing.

LH says I have a weak immune system. Maybe. Dunno. Wondering if this has anything to do with my overproduction of IgEs.

Yuen said...

I always assume overproduction of IgE = immune system overdrive, which means your immune cells are working way too well? =)

Anyhow, get well soon ya!!!! XD

Casey said...

dude, i wish i could sleep. i've worked 11 days straight with 5 days on-call, and another 3 days on-call before i get a day off... rawr!

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