The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Drum Tao

Just returned from a solo venture into the field of performing arts and I absolutely loved it!

Drum Tao - Martial Art of the Wadaiko

I chanced upon the advertising poster a few weeks ago and was instantly tempted, mostly by the opportunity to experience some new type of music. I asked around but nobody else seemed interested in it so I went solo. I was blown away by the performance. It was, quite frankly, one of the best things I've seen. Instruments aside, there were lots of shouts, leaps and amazing choreography to boot...and a couple of impressive-looking bo twirling sessions too.

As the title says, wadaiko were the main instruments of the night. However, to my pleasant surprise they included flutes, gongs, gu-zheng like instruments, xylophone-like instruments and monotonous trumpets (which looked like toilet plungers from where I was sitting) to great effect.
I particularly enjoyed a few of their bittersweet numbers. However, most of them were explosive, entrancing, addictive and energetic. It was so obvious that the performers were putting their all into their acts and they were enjoying it too. So much so that one could feel the energy influencing the audience.

The male performers demonstrated inhuman strength, dexterity and stamina with their drumming. On more than one occasion the drummers were beating so hard, so fast and for so long that I felt my arms ache. The choreography was exciting, sometimes mesmerizing and sometimes downright humourous. I'm not surprised that they've gotten amazing reviews (including 2 standing ovations) where they have performed. They definitely got a standing ovation from us tonight.

After tonight, I have a whole new appreciation for the drum. Kudos to you men and ladies for putting on such a great show.

Hontou ni arigatou gozaimasu.

If you get the chance to catch them, do so. You won't regret it!


junhoe said...

Since I don't have Facebook, and I'm not sure if you still check your Friendster, I figure here's the best place to do this:

Happy Birthday dude! Many happy returns and cheers for your special day. And may the medical deities take pity and bestow their wisdom upon you.

P/s: Now for something related to your post. This drum performance sounds really intriguing, would love to catch it someday. I've watched the Japanese taiko drums before, and that was quite awesome too.

jun hoe

Anonymous said...

your blog is chou omoshiroii ;p.

Unknown said...

too... many..... words..... cant... read.... urghhh...

Melanie said...

Drum Tao is on tour again and I went to see them a few days back. They were breathtaking.
I had read that they run 20k & drum 10 hours ever day as part of their training.

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