The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Friday, January 30, 2009

The current weather in Adelaide kills. Literally. Today's news said that this year reported the highest incidences of sudden deaths during the heatwave although authorities have yet to reveal the true causes of deaths.

The daily temperature has been above 40 degrees Celsius for the last week and is forecast to remain there until the coming Friday where it's supposed to be 35. Couple of days ago recorded a high of 47 degrees! The heat has also caused trouble with the power generators resulting in certain areas (thankfully not mine) having no power supply for 2 nights. Pity the poor souls who had to survive in such situations.

There were also a bunch of people who braved (or imo were crazy)the heat in the Wayville showgrounds to catch some band performing. According to the news the band prepared for this heat by practicing in saunas and such. The authorities did their best to prevent adverse situations by spraying the crowd with water, providing water supplies to the masses and providing 'misting chambers' where they could go cool off. One interesting bit that caught my attention was this (imo) insane white guy who absolutely adored the heat and said to "turn it up to 50(degrees)" followed by a "Whooooooo!!!"

On a side note, weighed myself a few days back and was surprised to find myself weighing 73kgs now. The summer hols back home really did a number on me I guess. Will make myself lose them extra adiposities once this bloody heatwave is over.


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