The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Finally a decent temperature!
The last couple of weeks ++ have been quite uncomfortable with daily temperatures above 40 degrees. The worst experience was on Friday and was mostly due to the fact that the local public transport service insists on using buses which are old and un-air conditioned.

The temperature on Friday was bad at 43 degrees. The worse part was that the wind actually felt hotter than the ambient temperature so there was no relief outside at all. As I left the GP where I was posted to, I took the first bus back to the city which was an oversight on my part as the bus was one of those stated above. I opened the window next to my seat expecting that the increase in ventilation would help cool me down somewhat. I promptly closed the window when all it did was make it even more unbearable. So there I was in the bus, feeling I was being slow-cooked as it went through the stops and traffic lights. I have never been more relieved to get off a bus in my life.

I've learnt my lesson. Next time I'm waiting for an airconditioned bus no matter what. I'm looking forward to the coming week just because it's forecasted to be below 30 degrees for all days except one.


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