The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Adelaide's Weird and Wonderful

Adelaide's Weird and Wonderful is gonna be a post describing the out-of-the-ordinary occurences that we (will)experience during our time here.

  • Flies in Adelaide are fannoying! Here the flies are so damn persistent that no amount of shaking, flailing or moving will deter them. They'll land on all the most annoying parts of your face like eyes, lips, ears and stay there. However, persistent they may be but slow they also are. They move like the mozzies back home so one can actually swat them.
    Sure some might say it's disgusting but I'd rather they be dead than bothering me.
    I'm actually doing Adelaide a service then because on the average, I've killed 3 flies per day since I've been here. Today was the highest count of 5 in the span of an hour...wonder if I can get paid for this?
    Note : For some weird reason the flies are mainly attracted to the males. Confirmed by the M204s who recently joined us.
  • 16th February 2007 - late night 0300
    still awake due to excessive warmth, only managed to fall asleep around this time. Woke up surprised as I didn't hear my alarm ring only to find out that I had woken up an hour earlier than planned (0830). Couldn't go back to sleep cuz too warm so went and started cleaning the house for lack of better things to do...
  • 17th February 2007 - It's so hot that I can't study, it's so hot that I just feel like sleeping, it's so hot that I can't sleep! HELP! Too kiamsap to use the aircon. Heh, well I don't think that will be a problem ever again.
  • KFC here is just as bad if not worse than back home. Think I already mentioned this before but what the heck. It's tasteless and the pedas-ness is not pedas at all. Not even remotely close. Of course it could just be a coincidence but since Leng Hui also had some which was similar I think it's safe to say what I just did.
  • McDonald's here serve smaller portions than back home. Bryan totally agrees with me on this. Back home I could not open my mouth big enough to eat a Big Mac. Here it fits nicely into my mouth. No I'm sure my mouth has not gotten bigger. I upgraded my meal to a large...and I wasn't full when I finished! At least at the one back home I'd be full.
    Oh yeah. They don't have the pump dispenser for ketchup or chili sauce either. Apparently, according to Bryan anyway, you gotta pay for the chili sauce here. Talk about weird.
  • 3rd May 2007 - Bryan, Rahul, Leng Hui and myself went to watch Spiderman 3 on it's opening night here. Can you say the word ulu? There was no phone or internet booking for tickets (we didn't need to anyway, the cinema was less than half-filled). The tickets were similar material to the receipts you get at supermarkets. The seats had no cup-holders. Thankfully the screen was clear and the sound was crisp even though the speakers were those large amplifier-like boxes hanging from the walls.


Unknown said...

I've got a record of about 20+ mozzies in an hour *grin*

Shiawase said...

wahahaha listening to you and lenghui's descriptions of your accommodation remind me of silent hill man!!! lolz, scaryyyy~

take care, jeeken. one sky, one destiny indeed ><

Anonymous said...

COMMENDABLE!! hayya william!! come to india you'll lose track of how many of those darn bloodsucking-malaria/dengue/chikungunya-carrying mosquitoes you've killed!! haha.. its damn hard to kill the flies tho! (may be i m just not fast enough..) I never managed to kill a fly (except one, when i accidentally sat on it!! n i think it may have been blind too) lol.. Anyways, take cares! keep in touch yea? SOS alwayss! :)

Steve said...

Crap man try my farm and you can get 20 bites from mosquitoes in 10 minutes. I bet if you cut yourself they would come and carry you away...

eve said...

i just watched nat geo about the "killer animals" of india. i think you guys have to worry more about snakes than about mozzies. the mortality rates!

Ken said...

...what does India have to do with Australia and New Zealand?

Unknown said...

but the last time i went there, the McD portions there were fine wor. they had this mega big mac i think, it was humongous! and i din notice about needing to pay for the sauce.

m'sia IS advanced wor if u say like that... wow, amazing! din thought i'd see that day come.

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