The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Specially for the unbelieving or just simply curious. So I shall walk you through the picture because I'm being nice :)
That's me holding a dustpan and my phone for size comparison. In the dustpan you can see the accumulation of 4 days' worth of floor sweeping. I don't have a zoomed-in pic, but believe it or not, I'm sure that more than 80% of that dust there happens to be skin flakes from yours truly. Surprised? I was too when I 1st came over - it either doesn't happen back home or I don't really notice it. But I've gotten so used to it.
Guess my theory that I constantly eat is because I constantly need energy for regeneration holds some water after all.
Actually, now I'm eating on an almost constant basis - hypothesized that I need the extra energy for heat production now that winter is coming.
Plus a few days back, I weighed myself on our scale and it told me I lost 1 kilo!
If this keeps up, I'm gonna be all skin and bones by the time winter is through. GG.


Innanis Aeterna said...

mp3 player thief!

Casey said...

one kilo of skin flakes? possible i suppose.

btw, these mp3 player thingies are a little fannoying, especially when they leech valuable bandwidth and u don't want 'em to play. i'm pretty sure u can edit 'em to only play when someone presses the play button, no?.

eve said...

gross skin wei

Unknown said...

burn themmmm alllllll!!!!

Ken said...

I doubt the 1 kilo loss is due to this would prolly barely weigh 10 grams.
Err...why would I wanna burn it?
Don't pollute unnecessarily la Willy.

Unknown said...

then bancuh kopi and dump them all in together.... bottoms up!
its ur cells anyway ;) clean and efficient. extra protein some more. no pollution. goes away nicely when u go poo poo!

christine said...


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