The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

2 Months On...

Kinda hard to believe but 9 weeks have since passed since we 1st started our rotations here in Adelaide. Time really does fly when you're having fun and being busy. Contrary to what Jebbrine keeps complaining about (that the people in Perth are having so much fun), I believe we're having a pretty good time here as well. I foresee an interesting 3 years ahead of us.

The past 9 weeks were routine, to say the least. I'm the weird one in the entire group as I normally wake up at 0500, either to cook or train...sometimes both(if I happen to be making a really simple dish).

Unfortunately the admin split us into M104s in surgery and the M204s in medicine. So we were basically mostly interacting with the people we already knew. But of course there were many occasions where we all had fun together.
Over these 9 weeks I believe we've all grown closer as a group...of course nowhere near what some of us were part of but everything has to start somewhere no? Jebbrine is the best example, she has seemlessly integrated into the household of Christine, Steph, Chu-Chu and Shiau Cern and it's
obscenely obvious they're influencing each other.
We (very) recently celebrated passing our 1st rotation! Man it was fun! The aforementioned household is full of wacky people, more wacky than the people I used to hang out with. GG. Imagine that. If you don't believe me go visit Steph and Chu-Chu.

So yeah, I passed my 1st rotation. We were assessed in many different areas. It's so annoying that we're the 'guinea pig' batch as they introduced all new ways of assessments this year. I think it's a curse of our year. As far as I can remember(all the way back to high school), my batch was always the ones either being the last year for a certain exam or the 1st one.

They introduced this weekly online assessment, which was basically a weekly 10 MCQs, in IMHO some questions were really unfair. But as they said, it's a test run thing so it didn't bear much weight. There was also an End of Rotation assessment, which was a 50 MCQ online which was last Friday. Most of the weight came from a Ward Assessment, which basically means your team confers and decides (many different criteria) if you pass or fail.
I got my latest assessment form back (my earlier unit was handed up long ago) and looked at the comment section of the form. There, my consultant had written something.
At first glance it was complete gibberish, I couldn't understand anything he had written. Further proof that most doctors have horrible writing ('bad' is reserved for my dad, whose writing I can usually read :D sorry about that :D). Finally after half a day I finally deciphered what comment the head of my unit wrote:
"Improved with time"
it was either that or
"diagnosed with lice"
I'm definitely inclined to go with the former.