The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Saturday, March 03, 2007


Well, it's as I expected - the depression was a one day event. As I said it has happened before albeit very rarely and I still dislike the feeling alot. Thankfully it's over for now. The annoying thing is that although I know what I can do to feel better when I succumb to it, I just can't do it - more like my mind won't let me do it.

Woke up the day following the depression to discover that I was feeling better. As I was getting out of the house to go for ward rounds I looked up to see the fiery clouds of dawn. It was beautiful, the kind that really pacifies and calms the soul. Then I saw what made me feel all better:

It was 2 streaks of clouds in a 'V' shape running almost parallel to each other before merging near the horizon. The moment I saw that I was stunned by its significance. 1 streak represented me, what I am, where I am at this moment in time. The other streak represented all the things I love - family, friends, food - which incidentally are mostly back home (some in UK and NZ).
The 2 streaks were separated at first, which would indicate my current situation where I'm apart from all that I love. But as I looked further, the streaks became closer and closer and finally merged. To me it meant that this journey of mine will be a path to something good as it will, sometime in the future, reinforce and reunite me with all the things that I care about.

The moment I saw that and had that realisation, all the bad feelings vanished to be replaced by a warm glow and I was not depressed anymore - ready to face the days' challenges with my heart and head held high.


eve said...

In an odd way, that's encouraging. I'm still at home but with you guys abroad, it sums up to pretty much the same thing

The next time you see something like that again, just pull our your camera (or "pinjam" one)... Would be nice to see...

Anonymous said...

yah you are right! nothing can keep us moving so far but the love from our our loved ones.
Gambatte ne! you are not alone on this journey!