The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Quotes of the Day

Intend to update this entry frequently. Well, at least as frequently as I get these 'wonderful' quotes :)

  1. "I'm going to print an empty sheet of paper" - Cheok Soon, May 2006
  2. "Oh look! It's Mah Jee Ken!" - Vanessa, everytime she sees me
  3. "Throw at dog, dog also die" - Eve, on my Nokia 3310
  4. "A hen is male, right?" - Siddharth, eating breakfast at Food Avenue, 22 May 2006
  5. "Your carapace keeps you warm." - Tony, after watching X3 in a freezing GSC, 27 May 2006
  6. "You are enlightened." - Chu Kin told me after I put my bag down, May 2006
  7. "Uncle is a relative uncle is my relative." - Chu Kin, 1 June 2006
  8. "We have a buy-back policy : If you buy it don't bring it back." - The Bard's Tale, InXile Entertainment
  9. Sign seen on a hawker stall: PENANG LOBAK : Pork RM2, Crap RM2 etc. (wouldn't wanna eat there o_O)
  10. "This glue is pretty good - it's quite sticky." - Henry of VK Bookstore. (courtesy of Cheok Soon)
  11. 'We serve real food. Visually fat free. 100% Skin free.' - Advert for a pie shop
  12. " know the toils of summatives, KKB, EoS3, and although it was fun I'm afraid our journey ends here, our last battle. So lets enjoy the moment, knowing that if we walked into IMU together, we shall leave together as well. Nobody gets left behind." - Cheok Soon, on the impending EoS5. A mirror of my own thoughts and emotions of the said day
  13. "We've come this far together to forge a future that is our own. The last battle is here and now. Fear not! We shall not fall! I bid you fight! Destiny awaits!" - Kah Heng on EoS5
  14. "Iced tea, no coffee" - customer. After I stared blankly and uttered a "Huh?" he corrected it to "Iced Coffee, no sugar". (how the heck do you mix those two up?)
  15. "I slept with Mike before." - Peter, 25 October 2006. And no it's nothing naughty. He was bunking in Mike's place in Scotland. Lol, but it just sounds so wrong!
  16. "Evelyn - The Ultimate Duracell Rabbit" - Eve's testimonial by her friend. I LMAO at that due to the fact that it is indeed entirely correct. She just goes on and on and on...
  17. "My nipples are gonna fall off" - Bryan on how cold he was on Mamak Nite 24/3/07
  18. "Actuarial science is actually science" - Jevanny, circa 2002/03
  19. "E-business is business without paper" - Jevanny, crica 2002/03


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