The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Saturday, October 13, 2007


I think the slow pace and laidbackness of life here in Adelaide is starting to rub off on us. Last Friday when we were returning around lunchtime...

Jason: Hey you guys wanna eat lunch? I know this great Vietnamese restaurant nearby and I'm super hungry...
Me: Sure, I don't mind. *looks at Shiau Cern* How about you?
Cern: Can la.

A few minutes and some totally unrelated conversation later...

Me: Hey, hang on! Lemme check whether or not I have enough cash for lunch first...
Cern: Ya hor, lemme check also...
Jason: I dunno if I have cash either...

*a minute later*

Me: I officially have fifteen dollars...*fiddles around with his wallet coin compartment* make that seventeen
Cern: I have about the same
Me: Is that enough?
Jason: Yeah, should be. I don't have much either but I have a bag of coins in the car.

So there we were, driving down the road towards the restaurant looking out for any ATMs in the immediate vicinity. There weren't in case anyone was wondering.
Well, in the end we did manage to dig out enough dough for a satisfying meal. Just enough.


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