The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Random Update

It's raining.

It's (relatively) more humid.

The temperature is (generally) nice.


I wish I had the powers to channel electricity ala Raiden. I'd toast all those fannoying flies that keep targetting me. I swear walking to and from the market today was a test of my sanity. Can you imagine holding heavy grocery bags in both hands yet having to fend off (idiotic) flies that land on the most annoying parts of your body. If it wasn't for the fact that I managed to kill at least 3 of them I'd probably have gone crazy.

It's SwotVac time!.....groooaaannnn....


Jenna said...

HEY KEN!! This is jenna!!

found your blog through leng hui's blog AHAHHA =P

come visit my blog!


Unknown said...

i sooooo should be sleeping now... flies issue that bad there huh? get those electric 'badminton-looking' things that zaps them. works faster than your hands.

Jenna said...

Ken Jee is NOT backwards~! =) it's first name (space bar) last name...
unless your first name is Jee and your last name is Ken?!?! =O

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