The Story of Stuff

Something which all of us should be concerned about. Do take about 20 mins to watch this clip.

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Monday, July 28, 2008

Edit: Today (29/7/08) we broke our record. There were no patients on the ward for our team :) We were grinning away at handover while everyone else just stared at us in disbelief...or it could have been jealousy or hatred. It's hard to tell really :D

Went to hospital as usual today (28/7/08) and discovered that my team had all of...1 patient. Ward round consisted of us going to his bedside and attempting to wake him:

Reg: Mr X...*pats his hand*...Mr X?
Mr X: *grunt*
Reg: *shrugs* Well, Ken, that's our ward round :)
Reg+Intern+Me: *Lol*

For the record, Mr X needed some sedation the night before as he was somewhat agitated with altered sleeping patterns.

This must be some kind of record. I've never had a medical rotation with only 1 patient in the ward.


StarGhazzer:太空人 said...

How cool is that? ONE patient LOL... can curi tulang for the whole day adi...

Ken said...

Actually that's what we did. My intern got a half day off and I whittled time away in the library checking up Msian news and Medscape Student stuff waiting for a tute at 2pm :)

Yuen said...


No patients for the day...that's some record! =P

Unknown said...

they must've gotten news that Mah Jee Ken is running rounds...

When u coming back? Yum cha?

Ken said...

...I know my housemate gets scared by me for no reasons whatsoever, and I know I have scared a few patients but you can't scare anyone on ward rounds mostly cuz you're walking around in a big group and they're expecting you anyway.

I'll let you know when I know when I'm gonna be coming back la. We arrange things then la k?

Unknown said...

well, you might never knowwww....

"mahjeeken coming!!!" *gasp* *total heart failure* *doooosh!*

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